Friday, April 20, 2012

Great BIG and exciting news!

I am so excited to share some awesome news with you all. I'm now a self-published author. A friend on Twitter, who is a fellow self-published author gave me the source of a site called that lets authors like me self-publish, and can obtain actual book bound and printed copies of my own stories. Now, you, my readers can too own them too! :) Most of you probably own computers, obviously, if you're reading this, but if you don't want to go to the trouble of logging on to read them on, you can buy them off of The only bad thing is, you'd have to wait until the whole story is complete before you see me publish it. This doesn't mean that I'm going to stop using I will continue to post my stories there for those of you who can't afford to purchase the actual books, but for those who can, and want to have them forever, you can find and purchase them here:

As you can see, I'm publishing under the author name: Amy West. For obvious reasons. ;) Plus, I hate my real last name, and use "Amy West" on Twitter anyway.

I've also made a cheaper e-book copy of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Bane," if you'd prefer to read it digitally instead. Speaking of DJAMB, I have good news and bad news about that story. The good news is that you can read the full story in e-book form. The bad news is, I had to split it up into two volumes in paperback form because of its length. It was well over 740 pages. The first volume only goes up to chapter 25, then the second volume, picks up from chapter 26. This means that you MUST purchase the first volume before reading the second one. It angers me that the novel had to be split up that way, but there was no way around it if I wanted to get it all published.

I apologize for that, but hopefully, you love it enough to want to have both books and will purchase both which, I admit, might be a little steep for some of you, being that they will come out to over $40, not including the shipping. I tried to give you a discount on them, but not too much of a discount. I need to get some kind of revenue from my stories, and make a living somehow, sorry.

I hope that when AMA is finished and ready to be published, I won't have the same problem and have to split it up too, but it all depends on how long it turns out to be. I've never been able to write a novel that wasn't a "war and peace." LOL! That's just not how I roll. ;)

There are a couple short stories of mine that I have published on the site as well, which only run about $10 dollars in pocket paperback, so I hope you will purchase those as well.

Once again, thank you for your constant support, and I really hope you look into buying my books now. It is so awesome to see them in book form and in print. Please spread the word and tell your friends. I could use the promotion.


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Have been reading your stuff for days. You are a very talented writer! I find your stories to be very striking and emersing especially Victor Bane and how familiar that character seems to me. Anyhow, it seems you disappeared from the online scene :/

    If you ever pop up again, feel free to zip me an email sometime at
