Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The story is officially completed!

Well, the time has come, readers. My novel is officially complete. I don't know exactly how many of you have been reading it, but I really appreciated how long you stuck by me and how far you read, nevertheless. It means that not ALL of my efforts to write were in vain, so I thank you for that. Completing this novel was a big accomplishment for me, being that it is the first novel I've written with my own characters. Not a fan fiction. I've done some fan fiction novels before, but this really meant a lot for me to complete since my own characters and story world are very close to my heart and have grown on me over the past three years, which took me THAT long to write the whole thing, but now, fourty chapters later, I couldn't be prouder.

This isn't the end for me. In fact, it's only the beginning. I have plans to write a sequel someday in the near future, but don't know when that will be. Until then, I intend on working on some short stories, maybe some random scenes. I have shelves and shelves of writing books just sitting around collecting dust filled with lots of writing exercises, just stuff to spark a random story, so I'm looking to put them to use now. Some might be posted at FictionPress.com, some in my character journals at InsaneJournal.com and others might be in here, so you can check back here too.

But back to the novel. Here are the final four chapters:

Chapter Thirty-Six ("Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now?"):

Chapter Thirty-Seven ("Save Me From Myself"):

Chapter Thirty-Eight ("Startling Revelations"):

Chapter Thirty-Nine ("One Last Goodbye"):

( Epilogue )

Thank you so much for all your support! I'll keep you posted on more stories soon.