Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Six is now up!

Finally, after almost two months, here's Chapter Twenty-Six...

Enjoy! :)

Don't know when I'll be starting the next chapter. Probably not until next week. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe even in the next few days. Maybe even tonight. I don't know, but I'll let you know how I'm progressing as always.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Change of plans...

Change of plans, it's gonna take me another day or so to finish proof-reading the chapter. Sorry. =( I blame myself for making it so long and being a perfectionist at the same time.

It should be up by Thursday, late Thursday night probably. Promise!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update on Chapter Twenty-Six...

Just wanted to make another update to let you guys know that I'm about 90-95% done with Chapter Twenty-Six. :D About 22 pages worth. I know that when I reach between 25-32 pages, it's time to wrap things up. ;) If I can't do that then I know its come up with a plan of action to split up the scenes into two chapters.

Anyways, I should be done either tonight or tomorrow. Then should have it posted by Monday, Tuesday at the latest.

Hope you enjoy it! I worked my ass off to get it done after a long overdue update.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm alive! I'm alive! So sorry!

I am so, so, so, SO unbelievably sorry! I know I've neglected to post about "DJAMB," and for that, I apologize greatly for keeping you waiting, those of you who read it on FictionPress and were linked to this page.

Things have definitely been hectic with me lately. I haven't had much time to write lately because of work with the holiday season and black friday and everything. *rolls eyes* I hate this time of year. Plus...I haven't been on the computer much lately, which I usually do when I'm upstairs in my room, because for the past few weeks, I realized that we have a mouse, or MICE in our house and haven't gotten much sleep or had much motivation to do other things like work on my latest chapter, but I am slowly but surely catching up. The exterminator is coming tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to get this all taken care of and get those little sons of bitches out of our house once and for all.

Never fear though, as far as writing goes, I've found a new and productive way to get things done without being burdened by the fear of mice or anything else. I recently got an iPhone and have a writing app called "Writing Nook" on it that enables me to work on my chapter and type it into the device/app then email it to myself to add to my word processor later. So things are definitely going to be progressing faster now that I can write anywhere, anytime. :D

As far as Chapter Twenty-Six, I'm half-way there. The first scene/part is done, now I'm working on the second. Right now, I'm looking at 50% to go. So yeah, it's about 50/50 right now. I'll be done soon and I'll post when I am.

Hope you're all still reading. XOXO

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update on Chapter Twenty-Five...

I know it's been a while since I updated this bitch, but I completely forgot about it. Things got a little busy with mid-terms & TV show premieres and work, but I have good news. :) I'm about 75-80% done with Chapter Twenty-Five.

I've been hard at work on it, so if you don't hear anything back from me for a while, don't worry, it's not because I'm super busy with other things. Chances are, I'm still writing. :D And I always am, no matter what happens.

The chapter will be finished soon. When? Well, I'm hoping to have it posted by the end of the month so if I can gaurantee you anything, it's that. Thanks for reading! I'll post again soon. Later!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Four is up!

Told you I'd come through for you guys! :D It took me long enough, but hey, I still got it done. Here's Chapter Twenty-Four...

I intend on starting the next chapter either tomorrow night or Wednesday. As always, I'll keep you posted on my progress. ;) Love ya all!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Long-overdue update...

I know I haven't updated this for a long ass time and for that, I'm sorry. It's been kinda hectic lately with work, school & my birthday, but I've still had time afterwards to get some work done on the next chapter and have been working hard at it.

You'll be happy to know that as of right now, I'm about 80% done. Almost there!

Next update will be the chapter itself, unless something comes up, but it probably won't. Love you all! Be patient.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Four is in progress...

Hey guys!

I just wanted to drop an update to let you know that I've started on Chapter Twenty-Four. I started on it this weekend. It's coming along...slowly...but I'm working on it. As soon as I get past this first part, I should be making more progress. I'm just struggling with..."something." Don't ask me what. I'm not telling. ;) You'll just have to wait and see.

If you honestly want to know the truth about how much progress I've made so far...well, I hate to say it, but I'm only 5% done. Like I said though, as soon as I get past this first initial part, it's smooth sailing from here. Not to worry.

I'll check back in with you all soon!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Three is up!

It took me long enough to proof-read, I know and for that I'm sorry. Things have been getting stressful and crazy in my life lately with college starting, this fitness class, not being able to sleep much anymore & just classes in general. I just thought I'd drop you a note and let you know that the chapter is now up on Trust me, it was worth the wait.

No clue as to when I will be starting the next one. I'm looking at maybe Monday night. Maybe Sunday night. I will keep you posted though. Thanks for all your support.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Three: Almost there...

This POV (Point of View) stuff is tricky, especially when you're telling a chapter from two points of views. It's especially tricky figuring out how to split them up or to keep them as one whole chapter for one POV. I'll probably keep the chapter as is instead of splitting it up though. It'll be less tricky coming up with a "title" for the second if I just keep it as one. Hope that made sense to most of you.

I'm about 90% done right now. That other ten percent should be finished by early next week and then hopefully proof-read and posted by next weekend. That's what I'm hoping at least. Don't hold me to it though. You'll get your chapter soon enough. Promise. ;)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Half-way point...

Just wanted to drop an update to let you know that I'm half-way through with Chapter Twenty-Three. Not sure if the second part of it will run over 32 pages, but right now, it looks to be a decent sized chapter. Promise I won't disappoint.

You'll be hearing from me soon...when I'm almost done. ;) Patience.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Update on Chapter Twenty-Three...

I just wanted to drop another update since its been a while since my last. I just thought I'd let you know that I started on Chapter Twenty-Three late last week. No idea yet when I'll be done with it, but I'm working on it as much as I can. :)

When I'm half-way there or nearly done, I'll be sure to let you know but right now, all I can tell you is I'm 10% there. :( So'll be a while.

But I'll keep you guys up-to-date, for sure. No worries.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Success! Better late than never, right? :D

Told you guys I would get it done & the proof-reading is done. Finally. I just posted the new chapter on FictionPress. You can view it here:

I plan on starting the next chapter this weekend, possibly Friday. Can't wait to start writing it. It's going to be one of my faves.

As always, enjoy and happy reading! :D


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Change of plans...

Ok, there's been a change of plans, well, obviously, since the chapter still isn't ready to be posted. Sorry. :( I thought I'd be done proof-reading it, but it's taking me longer than expected because I got home late tonight from work and got into the shower. Now, with it being near 4 am, I have to get some sleep. I'm now looking at the chapter being up by Monday evening.

No later than Tuesday, I promise. I'm half-way there. I won't be around tomorrow until late since my mom and I are going out of town to see Keith Urban in concert (hee hee!) so I should be back to proof-reading it when I get home, if I'm not too tired.

I'm getting there. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there. I'm really looking forward to starting the next chapter. And it's gonna be a good one, to say the least. :D

I'll be checking in soon to let you know when the chapter's posted so keep a look out. Good night my lovelies!


Friday, July 17, 2009


Still in the midst of proof-reading. I just started doing it last night when I got home. I'm most likely going to be finished by late Saturday night, then get to posting it around midnight/early Sunday morning.

Bear with me here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My ear is better, so...

Yay! My ear is better! Okay, so seriously...I'm about 95-97% done with Chapter Twenty-Two. I should have it finished up within the next two hours and then I'll start the proof-reading.

It should be up on FictionPress by tomorrow. :)

<3, Amy

Just a quick note...

My ear is feeling a little bit better, I'm going to really work on finishing up Chapter Twenty-Two tonight. Then tomorrow, I'll get around to proof-reading it and hopefully have it posted by tomorrow night when I get home from work. It'll be late by then but the chapter should be up on FictionPress by Saturday at the latest.

At least, that's my deadline. :) No worries.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First update to let you know what's going down...

So I've decided to set up my new fiction blog here, just to keep you, the readers, posted on what's going on and my progress with my latest novel, "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Bane," which you can find on Just click on the link in my profile and it will take you straight to my profile.

At the moment, I'm about 90% done with Chapter Twenty-Two. I've been hard at work on it every night. I don't know if I'll get time to work on it a little more tonight. I've been having a health dillema with my ear being plugged and hurting like hell. I think it might be swimmer's ear. I don't know, but it's making it difficult for me to concentrate on anything. Here's hoping it stops bothering me so I can get back to working on this chapter for you guys.

I'll get it done as soon as I can. Just have patience and send me your prayers, if you can. :(

<3, Amy