I apologize for not updating this sooner. Things have been kinda crazy with me feeling under the weather, and trying to find a new job and everything, but I've been hard at work on my new novel. In case I haven't informed you, "Against Medical Advice" is completed and you can now buy both parts on Lulu.com now.
I've put off "Seven Holidays" and started working on my next story, my first ever fantasy/supernatural comedy, starring all of my characters, it's called: "Amy West's Character Therapy." It's pretty self explainatory of what it's about and what I am doing with my characters in it. Yes, me. It's written in the first person, which is kind of a big challenge for me, because all my stories are usually third person limited or ominiscent. It's going well though, aside from the fact that no one has reviewed it or added a story alert to it. But I'm not that worried because it's still in its beginning phase right now. I already have the first two chapters up on FictionPress.com, or three, if you include the Prologue. I'm hoping that my audience won't shy away from the idea, just because of the format I'm writing in, and being that it's only going to be from my point of view as an author and the therapist's POV. If you really want to know what it's about, go to the stories page and read the plot summary. All I ask is that you give it a chance before deciding that it's not your cup of tea.
I promise that it won't be very long like the rest of my novels. Maybe ten chapters at most, or twelve. And I will get right back to my old writing ways in the next story. Promise!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think. Please. I really need some feedback on this one. Thanks!