Passionate Dreams Fiction
An up-to-date account of my fictional works in the making.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Long time, New Story...
I've put off "Seven Holidays" and started working on my next story, my first ever fantasy/supernatural comedy, starring all of my characters, it's called: "Amy West's Character Therapy." It's pretty self explainatory of what it's about and what I am doing with my characters in it. Yes, me. It's written in the first person, which is kind of a big challenge for me, because all my stories are usually third person limited or ominiscent. It's going well though, aside from the fact that no one has reviewed it or added a story alert to it. But I'm not that worried because it's still in its beginning phase right now. I already have the first two chapters up on, or three, if you include the Prologue. I'm hoping that my audience won't shy away from the idea, just because of the format I'm writing in, and being that it's only going to be from my point of view as an author and the therapist's POV. If you really want to know what it's about, go to the stories page and read the plot summary. All I ask is that you give it a chance before deciding that it's not your cup of tea.
I promise that it won't be very long like the rest of my novels. Maybe ten chapters at most, or twelve. And I will get right back to my old writing ways in the next story. Promise!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think. Please. I really need some feedback on this one. Thanks!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
New story banner and coming soon...
In the meantime, I've made one very important update to the story page. Rather than make "Face Of Evil" my next novel, the paranormal story I still plan on writing starring Zak Bagans and Sarah Michelle Gellar, I've decided instead to release a different one. An idea I've been tinkering with for a while now. My next novel is going to be "Seven Holidays" starring Sarah Michelle Gellar & Shane West. I'm loving my Shane West character so much lately, and have been in a major Shane West mood right now, that I just don't want to put his character away, so I've decided to continue using him, and creating a new story for Andrew & Amy, or "Amdrew" as they are called! :D Assuming you have started to ship them as a couple like I do. Like I said, "Seven Holidays" is the name of the novel, and you can read more about it by going to the story page on Tumblr. :) There's a new banner up and everything so please check it out and let me know what you think by commenting here.
Promise I'll get back to finishing "AMA" soon. Bear with me.
Love ya! XOXO
Friday, June 15, 2012
Against Medical Advice almost over...
Two more chapters left, one of them being the Epilogue. Thank you so much for continuing with me on this journey. I appreciate it so much!
It kinda sucks that Shane West didn't bother reading my heartfelt blog post before. Sigh. Whatever. I just thought he might be nice enough, but yeah, forget it. I'm over it.
Anyway, till next time!
Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Dearest Shane,
Lots of love,
Friday, June 8, 2012
Problems with
Worst case scenario, you might have to wait until I publish the second half of my novel on Lulu and buy it there to read the rest. Blame Not me.
Sorry. :(
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Update on Chapter 34 of AMA...
Then I'll start on 35. Only a couple more chapters, and the story will be over. :( It's been a long road, but it'll feel good to be done and start something fresh. Stay tuned.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Updates on AMA Chapters 30-33...
I know, sad but true, but soon, you will be able to purchase both books, parts one AND two. I wish someone would buy something, but I've been having no luck. :( I guess people would rather read them online than shell out money to help me sell my books. Unemployment sucks, but right now, self publishing is the only real job I have.
Please spread the word about my books if you can! I really, really need more promotion. My other two novels, "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Bane" and "Blood, Sweat & Tears" should be available on in the near future, within 6-8 weeks, so maybe they'll be cheaper to you there than on Lulu. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Against Medical Advice updates...
FIRST... I'm still hard at work on Chapter 31, but Chapter 30 is done. I'm just waiting until I finish 31 before I update on I want to post both of them together since there's so much drama in them and I didn't want to stop writing. It was getting intense and I had to continue writing. Hehe! But they will be up soon. I'm almost done with the first part of Chapter 31 so I will start on the second part very soon.
SECOND... Part one of "Against Medical Advice" is now published at Yes, part one. Once again, due to the limit on the number of pages a book can have on the site, it looks like I'm going to have to split up this novel too, like I did with "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Bane." It was 740 pages exactly when I completed the first part and that's the max. The first part only goes up to Chapter 23 of the story, and since I'm still not done with it yet, it might be a while before I publish the second part, chapters 24 and up. I've discounted the first book to half the original price, but it's still going to run you over $20.00. Sorry. Writer has to make some money too, even if its only $5.00.
One more thing, my other books should supposedly be up on in 6-8 weeks, probably for a lot cheaper than what Lulu sells them for. So keep a look out. I will too, trust me. Especially since no one has bought anything yet. :( Not one person. If you guys could please help promote me in any way, it would be greatly appreciated. I need all the help I can get!
Monday, April 23, 2012
By the way, I wanted to let you know that I have removed "What Took You So Long" and "What Goes Around...Comes Around" from Lulu and put both of them into a new book, entitled: "Blood, Sweat & Tears: A Collection of Short Fiction" which is just a collection of seven of my short stories. :)
One more thing, I am 60% through proof reading Chapter Twenty-Nine of "Against Medical Advice" and it will be up on soon, so check back for that!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Great BIG and exciting news!
As you can see, I'm publishing under the author name: Amy West. For obvious reasons. ;) Plus, I hate my real last name, and use "Amy West" on Twitter anyway.
I've also made a cheaper e-book copy of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Bane," if you'd prefer to read it digitally instead. Speaking of DJAMB, I have good news and bad news about that story. The good news is that you can read the full story in e-book form. The bad news is, I had to split it up into two volumes in paperback form because of its length. It was well over 740 pages. The first volume only goes up to chapter 25, then the second volume, picks up from chapter 26. This means that you MUST purchase the first volume before reading the second one. It angers me that the novel had to be split up that way, but there was no way around it if I wanted to get it all published.
I apologize for that, but hopefully, you love it enough to want to have both books and will purchase both which, I admit, might be a little steep for some of you, being that they will come out to over $40, not including the shipping. I tried to give you a discount on them, but not too much of a discount. I need to get some kind of revenue from my stories, and make a living somehow, sorry.
I hope that when AMA is finished and ready to be published, I won't have the same problem and have to split it up too, but it all depends on how long it turns out to be. I've never been able to write a novel that wasn't a "war and peace." LOL! That's just not how I roll. ;)
There are a couple short stories of mine that I have published on the site as well, which only run about $10 dollars in pocket paperback, so I hope you will purchase those as well.
Once again, thank you for your constant support, and I really hope you look into buying my books now. It is so awesome to see them in book form and in print. Please spread the word and tell your friends. I could use the promotion.
Monday, April 16, 2012
A couple updates...
First, I have started working on Chapter Twenty-Nine, don't have an exact title for it yet until I see how long it becomes. I'll keep you posted.
Second, I updated the "Against Medical Advice" soundtrack and made a few changes, added a song and switched some around for the upcoming chapter.
I'll update again soon.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Paranormal Shivers
For "Friday Fictioneers" (via
Monday, April 9, 2012
A new story idea...
Please comment and let me know if you like either of those ideas. The full plot summary of "TFOE" is up. I'm still working on plot ideas for the alternate reality story.
Don't know when I'll start the next chapter of "AMA." To be truthful, I haven't started that one at all, but since I'm on Spring Break, I'll have plenty of time to worry about that later.
Thanks for reading!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Dear Zak,
Thank you for being my inspiration for re-casting my Zack Price character in my fiction. I know it's funny, and seems planned that you play a character in my mind with the same name (different spelling, of course), but honestly, it wasn't. I originally casted comedian Dane Cook, but then I started hating him for the person that he turned out to be, so I decided to cast actor Chris Evans, but something didn't feel right about that either. When I saw you on Ghost Adventures, I knew I made the right choice in re-casting him as you. It seemed like it was fate, being that you had the same name. I will never regret casting you as my Zack. At the moment, you are working as the manager of Amoeba music in Hollywood, California, but I have plans to make you a personal trainer, because of how hot and buff you have become. :D To show how much I appreciate you, I've also given Zack an interest in paranormal investigating, and plan to make him one of the main characters in an upcoming horror novel of mine set in a haunted location. He and my main character will be trapped from dusk until dawn, with not only a bunch of bad spirits lurking around, but also an insane serial killer. I really hope to knock it out of the park with that story, but it will be my very first paranormal themed novel, and it's because of you and your love of ghost hunting, that you have inspired me to branch out and try my hand at different genres, so for that, I thank you. You are truly an inspiration. I was a believer of ghosts before, but watching you on TV and how you conduct and go about your investigations, you have truly opened me up a lot more to the paranormal, and have motivated me even more to go out and ghost hunt more than I used to, and hopefully have my own paranormal experience. I really hope that one day, I get the chance to meet you, because you are an amazing, funny, talented and intelligent person, and have so much to offer the world and your fans. So thank you so much for inspiring me, and filling my heart with joy in all that you do! Don't ever change! :)
Lots of love,